English to afrikaans meaning of

die definisie van "gesondheid" is:die toestand om gesond te wees in liggaam, verstand of geesdie algemene toestand van die liggaam 'n toestand waarin iemand of iets floreer of goed doen

Sentence Examples

  1. The stone walls were decorated with health and safety signs and pictures of Beach Town and fire chiefs.
  2. Catherine slept well into the morning until she was woken by Martha enquiring after her health.
  3. Kathy wears an open-mouthed smile, and with her thick hair tied back from her face she beams good health and wellbeing.
  4. Safer for her overall mental health to just shut as much of that out as possible.
  5. Fortunately for humanity, cancer is no longer a global health issue.
  6. It worked out for my mental health, if not necessarily for my liver.
  7. A messenger was dispatched to London and Mary, stating that the princess was indeed in ill health, and perhaps even mortally so.
  8. Peter hoped she and their daughter were in good health and that all was well at Assingham.
  9. Her russet eyes sparkled, and her face glowed with health.
  10. Increasingly stressed, the effects, once again, are resulting in an opposite to the desired outcome, as productivity decreases and new health issues emerge.