English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "hater" is iemand wat 'n sterk afkeer of vyandigheid teenoor 'n ander persoon, groep of ding het. Dit word dikwels gebruik om iemand te beskryf wat intense negatiwiteit of kritiek teenoor iemand of iets uitspreek, en wat aktief poog om hulle op een of ander manier te benadeel of te ondermyn. Haters word dikwels deur afguns, wrok of onsekerheid gemotiveer, en kan betrokke raak by aktiwiteite soos die verspreiding van gerugte, die maak van neerhalende opmerkings of om betrokke te raak by kuberafknouery of ander vorme van teistering.

Sentence Examples

  1. Yep, I, Giana Brookes, was now officially a hater of Mondays, courtesy of my now ex-boss, Lana.
  2. Thus by the authority of Agramante and the wisdom of King Sobrino all this complication of disputes was arranged but the enemy of concord and hater of peace, feeling himself slighted and made a fool of, and seeing how little he had gained after having involved them all in such an elaborate entanglement, resolved to try his hand once more by stirring up fresh quarrels and disturbances.
  3. All those hater adults who taught me wrong should be ashamed.