English to afrikaans meaning of

'n "hoed" word gedefinieer as "'n bedekking vir die kop wat gewoonlik 'n gevormde kroon en 'n rand het." Dit kan gemaak word van verskeie materiale soos materiaal, strooi of vilt, en kan vir praktiese of mode-doeleindes gedra word. Hoede kom in baie verskillende style, insluitend fedoras, beanies, bofbalpette en top hoede, onder andere.

Sentence Examples

  1. Maggie walked out of the kitchen wearing denim overalls and a bright yellow construction hat.
  2. He wore a jester hat, which jingled with every step, and a golden flute was clutched in a gloved hand.
  3. He straddles it backwards and checks out Winnie while pulling off his hat and straightening out his hair.
  4. I have to look really hard to make out what he claims to be a man in a top hat, but the outline of a woman in a room mirror is pretty clear.
  5. The woman in the red wide-brimmed hat stuffs her newspaper in her large handbag and stands abruptly.
  6. The woman in the red, wide-brimmed hat lowers her newspaper, revealing a pair of horn-rimmed reading glasses.
  7. The players Celestino carved out of clay, little figurines of islanders in native dress, a dog, a pirate ship and a high-domed wide-brimmed hat.
  8. At the next table, a woman in a wide-brimmed hat of vivid red is reading a newspaper.
  9. A large chefs hat perched lopsided on his round head.
  10. He drops the hat and steadies himself against the wall and inches away.