English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "oorhandig" is die vorige deelwoordvorm van die werkwoord "hand", wat verwys na die handeling om iets aan iemand oor te gee, te gee of oor te dra met 'n mens se hand. "handed" kan egter ook in sekere kontekste as 'n byvoeglike naamwoord funksioneer. Hier is die woordeboekbetekenisse van "oorhandig" in beide vorme:As 'n verlede deelwoord (werkwoordvorm):Om iets aan iemand te gee of oor te gee met 'n mens se hand . Voorbeeld: "Sy het vir my die boek oorhandig."As 'n byvoeglike naamwoord:Word gebruik om te beskryf watter hand dominant is of verkieslik deur 'n persoon gebruik word. Voorbeeld: "Sy is regshandig."Word gebruik om die rigting of kant van 'n persoon se benadering, beweging of optrede te beskryf. Voorbeeld: "Hy het 'n linkshandige swaai geneem."Word gebruik om 'n situasie of taak te beskryf wat 'n spesifieke tipe vaardigheid of kundigheid vereis. Voorbeeld: "Dit is 'n moeilike linkshandige kitaarsolo."Neem asseblief kennis dat die betekenis van "handig" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. As I pictured the possibilities, she handed me the microphone.
  2. I organized my approach before he walked back and handed me my paperwork.
  3. I caught them by the laces and handed them to Ada.
  4. Sliding a dark brown leather tome from her pack, she handed it over to him.
  5. Accepting the cup he handed her, she wrapped her hands around it, warming them.
  6. After Lorraine led him to a nearby bench, he handed her the schedule and talked for ten minutes.
  7. A recent six-figure donation was carelessly handed over to Grey Sports Complex for improving the technology infrastructure of the athletic facility, returfing the baseball field, and securing a modern bus for the players traveling to opposing teams.
  8. As she attempted to keep calm, Casselle handed out wooden swords.
  9. A few minutes later, Striker left his seat and handed me his quiz.
  10. To my surprise, Ms Weston handed me her weapon and backed off, allowing me to take the attack.