English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "haarsny" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na die handeling of proses om 'n mens se hare te sny of die styl waarin 'n mens se hare gesny word. Dit kan ook verwys na die hoeveelheid hare wat afgesny word, of die prys wat gehef word vir 'n haarsny by 'n salon of kapperswinkel. Daarbenewens word die term "haarsny" soms in 'n finansiƫle konteks gebruik om te verwys na 'n vermindering in die waarde van 'n bate of die bedrag van 'n skuld, tipies as deel van 'n herstrukturerings- of herfinansieringsooreenkoms.

Sentence Examples

  1. We are working together to create a new, silk tulle headdress, which will look delightful with my new bobbed haircut, styled just like Louise Brooks.
  2. A stocky officer with a micro haircut guided me into the back seat of a cruiser.
  3. The style reminded me of a David Beckham short faux hawk haircut, only it was way sexier on this guy.
  4. They had the same haircut and were about the same height.
  5. The woman nodded at Anne, the straightened locks of her bobbed haircut cupped her chin.
  6. The male, a huge Red dragon, hid his nature well with a close shave and clean haircut.
  7. She finished what could loosely be described as a haircut, and looked at her reflection in the blade of the knife.
  8. Short black curls peeked from the back of his hat, signaling a haircut put off.
  9. He wore dark sunglasses and had a short, tight haircut.
  10. Fern was extremely tall with a steel-gray, pixie-style haircut.