English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gimnastiek" hou verband met oefeninge of bewegings wat fisiese krag, soepelheid, behendigheid en koördinasie ontwikkel en verbeter, tipies uitgevoer met of sonder toerusting. Dit kan ook verwys na die sport van gimnastiek, wat verskeie apparate soos stawe, ringe, balansbalke en sprongperde behels.


  1. athletic
  2. acrobatic

Sentence Examples

  1. This done, instead of leaving the door fastened, he drew back the bolts and even placed the door ajar, as though he had left the room, forgetting to close it, and slipping into the chimney like a man accustomed to that kind of gymnastic exercise, after replacing the chimney-board, which represented Achilles with Deidamia, and effacing the very marks of his feet upon the ashes, he commenced climbing the hollow tunnel, which afforded him the only means of escape left.
  2. It was upon these appendages, fixed tightly on their real noses, that they performed their gymnastic exercises.