English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "goot" 'n paar verskillende betekenisse:'n Vlak trog of kanaal aan die rand van 'n pad of dak, wat gebruik word om reënwater of ander weg te voer vloeistof.'n Lang, smal houer, gewoonlik van metaal of plastiek, wat aan die rand van 'n dak vasgemaak word om reënwater op te vang en in 'n aflooppyp te kanaliseer. p>'n Lae area aan die kant van 'n straat of pad, wat gebruik word om water of afval weg te voer.'n Voor of groef in die grond, dikwels deur water gemaak.As werkwoord beteken "goot":Om geute te vorm of kanale, soos in "die reën het teen die dak afgeloop."Om die geute van 'n gebou skoon te maak. Om die waarde of doeltreffendheid van iets te verminder of te vernietig, soos in "die spreker se argument is deur hul swak lewering geput."

Sentence Examples

  1. We did have all the glamour of two penniless vagabonds who had just crawled out from some filthy gutter.
  2. Even though she wanted to crawl into a gutter, far, far away from this magnificent creature, Anne felt no judgment in her eyes.
  3. The lack of integrity on display here by these low-class cretins and how quick they are to behave like gutter slugs.
  4. Gripping the gutter with the other hand, she put her other foot on the first step of the ladder and started to step down.
  5. Most tales from Harry and Robert cast the man he now pursued as a coward and a trickster, one who spent his life skulking in the gutter and would turn tail and run, as he had done at Harlsey Moor, rather than face an adversary.
  6. His sunglasses flew off, clattering into a nearby gutter.
  7. A drunken sailor, in his inebriated staggering, collided with the inn wall opposite and spent some time sitting in the gutter before he could gather his wits and his balance and clamber back to unsteady feet.
  8. She must have climbed the gutter to the window frame.
  9. I gritted my teeth, forcing the image into my brain gutter.
  10. He lay in an overflowing gutter with cold water nipping at his back and legs.

TV Series Examples



What's a gutter rat like you