English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gorrel" is om 'n borrelende of bruisende geluid te maak, tipies as gevolg van vloeistof wat deur 'n beperkte ruimte vloei. Dit kan ook verwys na die geluid wat 'n persoon se maag maak wanneer hulle honger is of kos verteer. Boonop kan "gorrel" as 'n selfstandige naamwoord gebruik word om die klank self te beskryf, soos in "die gegorrel van water in die pyp" of "die gorrel van die baba se maag."

Sentence Examples

  1. The gurgle of the water rose above the breeze rustling the leaves overhead, one harmonizing with the other in the melody of nature.
  2. The gurgle is the Sun tearing down mountain walls, a promise of life out of unforgiving chaos.
  3. She looked at me while she ate fish and chips and sucked down the last of a Coke with a gurgle.
  4. Roderick slid to the floor with a wet gurgle, both hands flailing in an attempt to remove the blade.
  5. However, the soft gurgle of the stream calmed my thoughts somewhat, and I closed my eyes.
  6. The next morning, just as the percolator made its last gurgle, I heard a horn honk out front.
  7. My stomach let out a loud gurgle as I got closer and saw they were indeed fruit.
  8. Starlight streamed through open shutters as a gurgle of agony escaped him.
  9. Sometimes this gurgle became sibilant, almost a whistle.
  10. From not four feet behind him, he heard a smack and a gurgle.