English to afrikaans meaning of

'n waghuis is 'n gebou of kamer wat deur wagte gebruik word om wag te hou, soos by 'n tronk, militêre kamp of fabriek. Dit is 'n plek waar wagte bly terwyl hulle aan diens is om 'n bepaalde gebied of fasiliteit waar te neem en te beskerm. Waghuise is tipies toegerus met sekuriteitskenmerke soos toesigkameras, sekuriteitsalarms en kommunikasiestelsels om enige sekuriteitsoortredings te monitor en daarop te reageer.

Sentence Examples

  1. On his own, stuck in the guardhouse, there was nothing he could do.
  2. The carriage stopped, the officer descended, approached the guardhouse, a dozen soldiers came out and formed themselves in order Dantès saw the reflection of their muskets by the light of the lamps on the quay.
  3. They passed the guardhouse on the right-hand side, formerly a gift shop where visitors to the castle bought their entrance tickets.
  4. He stood with his back against the wall to the guardhouse, catching his breath, considering his next move.
  5. The shelves each side of the window were stacked with guidebooks of the castle and maps of the local area, together with assorted merchandise from when the guardhouse served as the ticket office and gift shop.
  6. He crouched down, manoeuvring himself back behind the doorway to the guardhouse.
  7. They helped Zed through to the guardhouse to sit down.
  8. Both of them uttered loud and furious cries, at the sound of which the whole of the first body of the advanced guard poured out of the guardhouse.
  9. Scrambling through the open doorway to the guardhouse, he slammed and locked the door behind him.
  10. Ten minutes, two KEEP OUT signs, and a guardhouse later, they arrived at the warrior training grounds.