English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "granaat" is 'n klein ploftoestel wat met die hand gegooi word of vanaf 'n geweer of ander wapen gelanseer word, wat tipies vir militêre of wetstoepassingsdoeleindes gebruik word. Granate kan ontwerp word om rook, gas of ander nie-dodelike stowwe vry te stel, of om skade en vernietiging te veroorsaak deur hoë plofbare of fragmentasie-effekte.

Sentence Examples

  1. When Jamaal dropped, the guy with the bag of grenades startled and the pin got pulled on the grenade in his hand.
  2. Mark thrust the hand holding the grenade deep into the open mouth.
  3. Willie dodged the whizzing sounds of bullet fire to lob another smoke grenade right at the tiny crack where the shooting had come from.
  4. Evan saw one girl firing flame tipped arrows at a crowd of fiends, whilst another lobbed grenade after grenade at the minions, causing electric explosions which sent body parts everywhere.
  5. Before it could strike again, Mark pulled a grenade from his armour and yanked the pin out.
  6. Cartridges, casings, helmet fragments, tags and grenade pins that were deposited here thirty years ago.
  7. I could hear the shuffle of their feet and the rattle of the pin ring against the grenade.
  8. When a Turr grenade landed near The Great Leader, the corporal left his trench and threw himself on the grenade thus saving his commander and comrades and propelling himself into history.