English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "swaartekrag" verwys na die krag wat twee liggame na mekaar toe aantrek, eweredig aan hul massa en afstand van mekaar. Dit is een van die fundamentele kragte van die natuur en speel 'n deurslaggewende rol in die gedrag van voorwerpe in die heelal. Die term "swaartekrag" kan ook verwys na die erns of belangrikheid van 'n situasie of saak, soos in die frase "die erns van die situasie." Daarbenewens kan dit verwys na die kwaliteit of toestand om ernstig, plegtig of gewigtig in karakter of manier te wees, soos in die uitdrukking "'n saak van groot erns."


  1. gravitation
  2. gravitational attraction
  3. gravitational force

Sentence Examples

  1. Really, when it came down to it, all you needed was momentum and gravity would do the rest.
  2. Now the human body, in general, is neither much lighter nor much heavier than the water of the Seine that is to say, the specific gravity of the human body, in its natural condition, is about equal to the bulk of fresh water which it displaces.
  3. The whole up and down thing going against gravity.
  4. My arms flailed at my sides to stop me, but gravity took hold.
  5. He tried to grapple with his legs but with his hands tied, he was unable to fight the inexorable pull of gravity.
  6. Originally a gravity brewery, the place had been expanded and retooled over the years, the high tanks removed as other means of production took over.
  7. Approaching the board a second time, he again placed his left foot firmly in the middle, adjusted his center of gravity, and began kicking at the ground with his right foot, feeling, he thought, rather like a horse.
  8. The bodies of fat and fleshy persons, with small bones, and of women generally, are lighter than those of the lean and large-boned, and of men and the specific gravity of the water of a river is somewhat influenced by the presence of the tide from sea.
  9. Yet this should have been the case, and in an equal degree as at the surface of the earth, the actual gravity of bodies at either planet supposed in the ratio of the atmospheric condensation.
  10. When this distension has so far progressed that the bulk of the corpse is materially increased without a corresponding increase of mass or weight, its specific gravity becomes less than that of the water displaced, and it forthwith makes its appearance at the surface.