English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kleinkind" is 'n kind van 'n mens se seun of dogter. Dit verwys na die nageslag van 'n mens se eie kind, en dit is 'n term wat algemeen gebruik word om die verhouding tussen grootouers en hul kleinkinders te beskryf. Die woord "kleinkind" word gevorm deur die voorvoegsel "groot-", wat groot of groot beteken, te kombineer met die woord "kind", wat verwys na 'n jong mens wat nog nie 'n volwassene is nie.

Sentence Examples

  1. His death might guarantee the safety of his grandchild.
  2. For I have no friend but yourself upon earth, who am neglected and forgotten by my father, harassed and persecuted by my mother-in-law, and left to the sole companionship of a paralyzed and speechless old man, whose withered hand can no longer press mine, and who can speak to me with the eye alone, although there still lingers in his heart the warmest tenderness for his poor grandchild.
  3. He is the one whom I will entrust my grandchild to.
  4. He stood beside the old Baron Anktooth and tried to convince the dragon his grandchild would be well cared for if turned over to him.
  5. The first grandchild in your family is indeed a fortunate distraction for our letters.
  6. Her chest rose, expanding with air, and Gudrun pulled back, withdrawing her Seidr from her grandchild.
  7. Noirtier towards his grandchild, and that he disinherits her entirely of the fortune he would have left her.
  8. Noirtier could not be persuaded to quit his grandchild.