English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "groot" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks, maar oor die algemeen is dit 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat iets beskryf wat indrukwekkend, manjifiek of groot in skaal is. Sommige algemene definisies van "groot" sluit in:Groot en indrukwekkend in grootte, omvang of skaal.Prag of manjifiek in voorkoms, styl of ontwerp.Hoogs ambisieus of belangrik, wat dikwels beduidende gevolge insluit.Indrukwekkend of waardig in wyse of houding.Gebruik as 'n versterker om iets besonders groots of indrukwekkend te beskryf.Voorbeelde van gebruik kan insluit: "Die grootse argitektuur van die katedraal het my asem weggeslaan," "Sy het 'n groot partytjie gehou vir haar 50ste verjaardag," of "Hy het groot planne vir die toekoms gehad. van die maatskappy."

Sentence Examples

  1. Instead, when I reach the end of the beach I turn back, not wanting to enter the bustle of the city, the sight of the Grand Hotel blocking access to the next stretch of promenade enough affront to my sensibilities.
  2. While pleasing to the eye, the soaring vaulted ceiling and tall, grand mullioned windows ensured that the open space was quiet only later at night, when the skeleton crew remained behind to man the station.
  3. All the houses were grand and loomed high between Main Street and the Wharton Mountains in the background.
  4. Jessica ushered me into a grand foyer and lead me into an impressive, recently remodeled kitchen.
  5. I took one more look around the grand building and left for Union Station.
  6. I watch him climb the grand staircase to his study, feeling conflicted.
  7. He was most unhappy about it, DRAT having scuppered his plans to hold his exhibition at the prestigious Casa de la Cultura Agustín de la Hoz, a grand old house containing a number of murals by Manrique.
  8. A few hours of my time to get the grand tour and I keep my loot.
  9. Other than making a grand entrance, this was the only way in.
  10. Other Adept Houses were represented in the city as well, but their landholdings tended to be smaller, single grand manors instead of sprawling miniature cities within cities consisting of multiple glittering homes.

TV Series Examples



- Grand Maester Pycelle.



Grand Maester Pycelle has called



l have been grand maester