English to afrikaans meaning of

"goewerneur" word gedefinieer as:een wat regeer: soos bv. a. een wat veral gesag uitoefen oor 'n gebied of groep b. 'n toestel of meganisme wat beheer of reguleer'n persoon wat aangestel is om 'n staat of provinsie te regeer'n persoon of liggaam van persone wat die reëls van 'n politieke party of organisasie administreer

Sentence Examples

  1. In short, he spoke in such a way that he cast suspicion on the governor, and made his relations appear covetous and heartless, and himself so rational that the chaplain determined to take him away with him that the Archbishop might see him, and ascertain for himself the truth of the matter.
  2. Yielding to this conviction, the worthy chaplain begged the governor to have the clothes in which the licentiate had entered the house given to him.
  3. I am sorry for my wife and children, for when they might fairly and reasonably expect to see their father return to them a governor or viceroy of some island or kingdom, they will see him come back a horse-boy.
  4. Sancho rode on his ass like a patriarch, with his alforjas and bota, and longing to see himself soon governor of the island his master had promised him.
  5. Each of us is the son of his own works and being a man I may come to be pope, not to say governor of an island, especially as my master may win so many that he will not know whom to give them to.
  6. He stood at the foot of the grave and, around him and the burial plot, the heavy hitters were in attendance the governor, the police commissioner, the police chief, the fire chief, and all the other chiefs that kept the reservation running.
  7. Among other things, he said the governor was against him, not to lose the presents his relations made him for reporting him still mad but with lucid intervals and that the worst foe he had in his misfortune was his large property for in order to enjoy it his enemies disparaged and threw doubts upon the mercy our Lord had shown him in turning him from a brute beast into a man.
  8. Don Quixote, among other things, told him he ought to be ready to go with him gladly, because any moment an adventure might occur that might win an island in the twinkling of an eye and leave him governor of it.
  9. If he thought that by these means he could break the spirit or shake the resolution of his prisoner, he was soon undeceived, for Cervantes contrived before long to despatch a letter to the Governor of Oran, entreating him to send him someone that could be trusted, to enable him and three other gentlemen, fellow-captives of his, to make their escape intending evidently to renew his first attempt with a more trustworthy guide.
  10. The chaplain did so, and the governor assured him that the man was still mad, and that though he often spoke like a highly intelligent person, he would in the end break out into nonsense that in quantity and quality counterbalanced all the sensible things he had said before, as might be easily tested by talking to him.