English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "evangelie" verskil effens na gelang van die konteks, maar sommige algemene betekenisse is:Die leerstellings van Jesus Christus, soos opgeteken in die Bybel.Die goeie nuus van verlossing deur geloof in Jesus Christus.'n Stel oortuigings of beginsels wat as waar of gesaghebbend aanvaar word.'n Genre van musiek wat ontwikkel het uit Afro-Amerikaanse godsdienstige musiek en word gekenmerk deur sy emosionele intensiteit en kragtige vokale.In 'n breër sin kan "evangelie" ook verwys na enige boodskap of geloofstelsel wat as waar beskou word en betroubaar.

Sentence Examples

  1. The service started with singing by what was called a choir but was more gospel ensemble than traditional choir.
  2. We are the doodlers in search of a gospel that can change our view of others, ourselves, and make sense of our journey.
  3. It sounded like American gospel combined with the type of African music recorded by Paul Simon.
  4. He knew Sister Aimee was decidedly younger and prettier than most evangelists, and that her gospel was gentle, with hardly a taste of the Billy Sunday hellfire.
  5. Pretty much whatever you tell them, they treat like gospel.
  6. A message is trying to make itself heard and it will try any means, including imagery and parables to grab our attention, because we have a gospel and glad tidings to discover and share in our own stories.
  7. Just as the biblical account reports the Gospel of Jesus, we too have our story to tell.