English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n selfstandige naamwoord het "kloof" 'n paar betekenisse:'n Smal vallei tussen heuwels of berge, tipies met steil rotswande en 'n stroompie wat daardeur loop.Die keel of slokdarm, veral wanneer dit smal is, soos in die frase "steek in 'n mens se kloof" wat beteken om wrok of walging te veroorsaak.'n Gevoel van naarheid of walging, soos in "hy voel hoe 'n kloof styg in sy keel."'n Diep en nou gang, soos 'n kloof of canyon.'n Deel van 'n rok of kleed wat aan die voorkant van die nek gedrapeer is.As 'n werkwoord beteken "kloof":Om gulsig en oordadig te eet, soos in "hy het hom aan die buffet gesmul."Om met kos te prop, soos in "die gans is met graan verswelg voordat dit geslag is."Om te vul tot oormaat of buite normale kapasiteit, soos in "die rivier was vol reënwater."


  1. defile

Sentence Examples

  1. It was just wide enough for someone to slowly and carefully ascend up the gorge.
  2. But chance arranged matters better than he expected or hoped, for at that very moment, in a gorge on the mountain that opened where they stood, the youth he wished to find made his appearance, coming along talking to himself in a way that would have been unintelligible near at hand, much more at a distance.
  3. Lance felt his gorge rise again and had to pause, holding a fist to his mouth.
  4. As it was, it would have been an almost impossible task for a dragon on foot to ascend the gorge.
  5. The winding path carved out of one wall of the gorge was so narrow, a human warrior could scarcely traverse it.
  6. The people who called the gorge The Spirit Way were said to be magicians and elves.
  7. To the south lay the winding, narrow gorge called The Spirit Way, which was actually a very steep crack in the shield wall that ran for leagues into the Kanris.
  8. Almost twenty Iberian warriors on horseback, thirty slaves in chains, a dozen pack horses carrying fine wines and silks, with the ancient monk shepherding tiny Ursala and the two blond-haired waifs, disappeared into the narrow gorge that was the passage.
  9. Everyone who has paid even a flying visit to Toledo will remember the ruined castle that crowns the hill above the spot where the bridge of Alcántara spans the gorge of the Tagus, and with its broken outline and crumbling walls makes such an admirable pendant to the square solid Alcazar towering over the city roofs on the opposite side.
  10. Called the Passage of Tears, it was a narrow, steeply inclined gorge cut through the wall.