English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "weg" is:Nie meer teenwoordig nie; vertrek.Wegbeweeg van 'n plek; links.Dood of verlore.Opgebruik; uitgeput.In 'n toestand van euforie of ekstase, tipies veroorsaak deur dwelms of alkohol.Verlief of diep verlief op iemand.(Slang) Gesteel of sonder toestemming geneem.(Slang) Mal of geestelik onstabiel.


  1. deceased
  2. asleep
  3. at peace
  4. at rest
  5. departed

Sentence Examples

  1. Eustacia Paddington had gone to high school with my nana.
  2. I left a voicemail indicating the first two classes had gone effortlessly, and I was about to start the third one.
  3. Gone was the little mouse I used to know and adore.
  4. If they could get into Central undetected, which was supposed to be impossible, then surely they would have gone after a more senior Alliance member.
  5. Of the three people who knew what had really gone down at the Academy, he was the only one I was on friendly speaking terms with.
  6. A fire damaged the first floor in the late 1960s during a Vietnam War protest that had gone off the deep end.
  7. The result was a cheap repair of the antiquated structure and an institutional, utilitarian-looking addition reminding everyone of a grammar school cafeteria gone wrong.
  8. After thanking us for attending, he informed everyone that the Board of Trustees had gone through a long and arduous search for a new president.
  9. Everyone on the first floor of Central had officially gone batshit insane.
  10. Could things have gone sour between them, and he was somehow involved in her death?

TV Series Examples



The white walkers have been gone



- They've all gone away.



You must be gone by then -



l should have gone back to the Wall