English to afrikaans meaning of

die woord "God" word gedefinieer as:die hoogste of uiteindelike werklikheid: soos bv. a. die Wese volmaak in krag, wysheid en goedheid wat as skepper en heerser van die heelal aanbid word b. 'n gees of wese wat geglo word om 'n deel van die wêreld of 'n aspek van die lewe te beheer of wat aanbid word omdat hy mag het oor 'n bepaalde ding'n persoon of ding van hoogste waardea magtige heerser of despoot

Sentence Examples

  1. And then I was being hauled off to the hospital while she was god only knew where and I had no idea if she was even alive.
  2. Lach was a devout follower of the god, ever aware of the favor Cearus had shown him by gifting him with such considerable Adept abilities.
  3. Not much is known of Kurrlan, save he faded into obscurity after the dark god was defeated.
  4. Generous with his time and comfort, he brought a Christian civility not found in the pulpits of the Church of God and Southern Baptist churches.
  5. God, his breath smelled horrible so much for its life-affirming qualities.
  6. Thinking of Grandma Willow and how she made us all kneel at our bedside and say prayers before we went to bed, I thank God or whoever is out there for my Aunt Mimi, my angel in a thunderstorm.
  7. But god, the temptation was so intense I could taste it.
  8. But god knew the Multiverse owed me one small victory.
  9. We giggle like idiots, until Jack returns with triple chocolate brownies topped with homemade vanilla ice cream, caramel cheesecake, fruit tarts and oh my God crème brûlée laced with raspberries, accompanied by cups of espresso.
  10. I suddenly remember the line of doctors at the Cajundome in Lafayette, checking vital signs, poking me as they looked for infections and god knew what, probing me with needles to prevent new ones.

TV Series Examples



to the god of death?