English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "gobsmacked" is om heeltemal verbaas of verras te wees, dikwels tot die punt van sprakeloos of nie in staat om te reageer nie. Dit is 'n Britse slengterm wat algemeen gebruik word om 'n gevoel van skok of ongeloof te beskryf. Die term "gobsmacked" word dikwels gebruik om verbasing of ongeloof uit te druk oor iets onverwags of buitengewoon.

Sentence Examples

  1. Connor watched, gobsmacked, as Karen handed over her gun, ammo, and machete to the young security officer in exchange for a claim ticket.
  2. Brooke and Jed were gobsmacked when Evan told them.
  3. The vehicle sped off leaving Sabienn and Bray looking through the trees gobsmacked.
  4. He turned, gobsmacked to see James wielding the shotgun.