English to afrikaans meaning of

'n kabouter is 'n klein, dikwels misvormde en gewoonlik ondergrondse wese in tradisionele folklore. Dit is ook 'n klein tuin- of ornamentele beeldjie tipies van 'n bebaarde man in 'n hoed. In rekenaars is GNOME 'n oopbron-werkskermomgewing vir Unix-gebaseerde stelsels, gekenmerk deur 'n gebruikersvriendelike koppelvlak en aanpasbare werkskermomgewing.

Sentence Examples

  1. Another wall had a plasma television screen set in the middle, with what looked like a gnome news reporter speaking to the camera.
  2. He saw Blake and Seth Silcorn enter a theatre with an all gnome cast, whilst Arianna and Nena were in line at a cinema.
  3. As their eyes met the gnome blew a raspberry at her.
  4. The rest of the day he was building his strength, then his evenings were spent in the kitchen being bossed about by a gnome named Sniglog.
  5. The brownies resembled garden gnome statues from Earth, except they were smaller, with skin like parchment and beards so long they brushed the ground.