English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "glif" is 'n simbool of 'n karakter wat 'n woord, 'n frase of 'n konsep op skrif verteenwoordig. Dit kan 'n piktogram, 'n hiëroglief of enige ander tipe simbool wees wat in skryfstelsels of kommunikasie gebruik word. Die term "glyph" word dikwels gebruik in die konteks van antieke skryfstelsels, soos Egiptiese hiërogliewe of Maya-gliewe, maar dit kan ook verwys na moderne simbole wat in tipografie gebruik word, soos die kopieregsimbool of die @-simbool in e-posadresse.

Sentence Examples

  1. She called it a glyph, though it looked to him much like vӧlvur runes, only more intricate in design.
  2. She placed her hand upon his chest, tracing a quick glyph to which he paid no mind.
  3. Many such sigils represented the soul of one entity, and if you knew the glyph for a spirit, then that one would definitely answer, drawn right up to the edge of the Veil, and effectively invited in by the summoner.
  4. Across the Veil, the mer launched itself at the victim marked with its glyph.
  5. Krista noticed that the cloth Saulaph held had a glyph written on it, the same style of glyph that appeared on the doorframes and the paintings.