English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "glacial" hou verband met, lyk soos of vervaardig deur gletsers of ysplate. Dit kan ook verwys na iets wat uiters stadig, koud of ysig van aard is, of na 'n tydperk toe die aarde met ys bedek was. Boonop kan "glacial" gebruik word om 'n persoon of hul houding te beskryf as ysig, veraf of sonder emosie.

Sentence Examples

  1. Even with our glacial pace, every hoof beat and every crack or groan of the rickety structure caused Hawke to flinch.
  2. Morrel expected Villefort would be dejected he found him as he had found him six weeks before, calm, firm, and full of that glacial politeness, that most insurmountable barrier which separates the well-bred from the vulgar man.
  3. Dismounting before she closed with the enemy, she ran up the side of the glen and slipped behind one of the many glacial boulders to peer toward the approaching noise.
  4. Wow, his eyes are gorgeous, she noticed a real glacial blue.
  5. I might even discover she possessed a warmer, more social side behind that glacial exterior.
  6. The cold was everywhere, snow pounding upon snow, as she traversed the great glacial divide.
  7. In the mighty North, the great bear clans, under Freyda The Fatal, the bear queen, created The Cult Of Azaz, erecting glacial boulders into temples honoring the first among their gods.
  8. All around the mountains, some of the tallest and most majestic on Earth, in the flowing glacial streams, the last of the rulku could see the handiwork of Methuselah.
  9. Loi took the opportunity to study him, yet again, without seeming rude a striking man with his glacial blue eyes and dark blond hair pulled into its customary plait.