English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord vriendin is 'n vroulike maat met wie iemand 'n romantiese of seksuele verhouding het. Dit kan ook na 'n hegte vroulike vriend verwys. Die term word die meeste gebruik om te verwys na 'n vrou wat uitgaan of in 'n romantiese verhouding met 'n man is, maar dit kan ook in selfdegeslagverhoudings gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. They told him if he wanted a girlfriend, he could have them both, at the same time!
  2. He had a chap in here the other day, and I was there when he took his statement, who swears his girlfriend was murdered by one of your ghosts.
  3. What a man is willing to tell his girlfriend versus what he tells another guy were often two vastly different things.
  4. Adam and I had been friends for a long time before he asked me to be his girlfriend only a few months before.
  5. He gave me a short nod, then returned his attention to his crazy girlfriend.
  6. His long-suffering girlfriend had left him, although the psychologist understood the strain she must have been under.
  7. I felt awful holding that information from him, but knowing his current or former girlfriend might be the person who killed Abby and Lorraine seemed far worse.
  8. Jaime sat languidly on the porch with his pregnant girlfriend, Sonia.
  9. She put it on, pretending Striker had given it to her as though she was his girlfriend.
  10. While preparing my introductory remarks, a few stragglers walked in, including Striker and his girlfriend, Carla.