English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "Gilbert" is 'n eienaam wat na 'n persoon se voornaam of van kan verwys. Dit word nie tipies in woordeboeke gevind as 'n selfstandige woord met 'n spesifieke betekenis nie. In plaas daarvan kan dit as 'n naam gelys word met 'n kort beskrywing van sy oorsprong of geskiedenis. Byvoorbeeld, "Gilbert" is 'n naam van Oud-Germaanse oorsprong wat "helder belofte" beteken, en was 'n gewilde voornaam in Middeleeuse Engeland. Dit kan ook verwys na plekke of organisasies wat vernoem is na individue met die naam Gilbert, soos Gilbert, Arizona of die Gilbert en Sullivan operettes.


  1. cass gilbert

Sentence Examples

  1. Corey went to the ball, Gilbert all the way to the left.
  2. Gilbert would have danced the other evening, if she had been asked.
  3. His eyes drifted to Lord Gilbert, who was holding out his wine tankard for his half-dressed companion to refill.
  4. I insisted Gilbert explain things more thoroughly today.
  5. At the edge of the crowd she could see Lord Gilbert.
  6. It was my biggest sales day yet, and I had Galen Gilbert to thank.
  7. It was Michiko Kakutani and Galen Gilbert and their fans.
  8. Gilbert pretended to run forward, put on his best fakeout face.
  9. Shakespeare was a playwright like Gilbert and Sullivan of Pirates of Penzance fame but without the catchy tunes.
  10. With my visions becoming increasingly incessant, Gilbert said we will probably need to link within the next couple months.