English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gig" hang af van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar van die algemene definisies:'n Werk of optrede, gewoonlik een wat tydelik of deeltyds is, veral in die vermaaklikheidsbedryf. Byvoorbeeld, "Sy het 'n gig gekry om kitaar by die plaaslike kroeg te speel."'n Musikale optrede deur 'n orkes of musikant. Byvoorbeeld, "Ek het my gunstelinggroep gaan sien speel 'n optrede by die konsertsaal."'n Meeteenheid vir rekenaarberging, gelyk aan een miljard grepe. Byvoorbeeld, "My nuwe rekenaar het 'n hardeskyf met 'n kapasiteit van 500 gigs."'n Visvangspies met 'n veelpuntige kop. Byvoorbeeld, "Hy het 'n groot vis gevang met 'n optrede."Om by werk betrokke te raak of 'n taak uit te voer, veral as 'n vryskut of onafhanklike kontrakteur. Byvoorbeeld, "Ek gaan as 'n grafiese ontwerper optree totdat ek 'n voltydse werk kry."Neem kennis dat sommige van hierdie definisies dalk nie gevind word in alle woordeboeke, aangesien die woord "gig" verskillende betekenisse in verskillende streke of kontekste kan hê.

Sentence Examples

  1. The gig was already lowered, and in it were four oarsmen and a coxswain.
  2. While Derek had already found himself another gig, he advised me to be ready for news from the network about my future.
  3. Watching from the driving seat of the gig, Watters shook his head but said nothing.
  4. She drove until the gig wheels were under water and waves surged along the side of the horse, and only then did Watters again plunge into the sea.
  5. Amy had backed the gig into the sea and was now driving it up the beach, with the line drawing him clear of the water.
  6. Yeah, tell it to all those homies in ball caps who sweated their asses off during the week at some soul-crushing blue-collar gig and were in here now to have a beer, a laugh or two and forget about that demoralizing job they were going to have to return to come Monday morning.
  7. Sant told himself that it should be him, not Hardaker, orchestrating this gig.
  8. She could do with a dose if she ever cracked a real writing gig, as opposed to scripting and editing boring business resources.
  9. Nothing to do but go on to the swing shift gig, the madhouse.
  10. Mart had already cancelled an overnight trip for a consulting gig outside Philly, and Walter and Stephen had vowed to be at the store every minute for the next two days just as back-up.