English to afrikaans meaning of

"geskenk" word gedefinieer as "iets wat vrywillig deur een persoon na 'n ander oorgedra word sonder vergoeding" of "die daad, reg of mag om te gee." Dit kan ook verwys na 'n natuurlike vermoƫ of talent, soos 'n musikale gawe of 'n gawe om te skryf. Daarbenewens kan "geskenk" gebruik word as 'n werkwoord wat beteken om 'n geskenk te gee of om 'n geskenk of talent te gee.

Sentence Examples

  1. Depending on the port, these objects were sometimes as mundane as a crude wine glass, but his latest gift was anything but mundane.
  2. I thought it might have been the gift Lorraine was searching for.
  3. As the gift size increases so does the value, my parents indulging Gloria with an arts and crafts kit in its own special carry case, a memory game, a toy toolset with workbench, and finally, leaning against the wall beside the table, a heavy duty, plastic cubby house.
  4. Each year, the graduating class presented a gift to the college to redesign the cable car as their outgoing mark on Braxton.
  5. Thus, despite the troubled state of her mind, her fingers were steady as she unwrapped the gift, her smile eager with anticipation.
  6. She wound the line around the beam and took extra care with the knot, mindful of the value of the gift.
  7. She extended an eager hand toward the gift, but he lifted it out of her reach with a grin.
  8. If I could build my life and career around the premonitions, I could give the quiet gift of miracles for the rest of my life.
  9. As I enter the gift shop I realize my worries about the rest of the group being bored and anxious to get out of there was unfounded.
  10. His gift tugged at him, urging him to take a closer look at her, to tease out what it was about her that made him feel as if he knew her.

TV Series Examples



l have a gift for you.



Look, a gift from lllyrio.



Khal Drogo will make a gift