English to afrikaans meaning of

"hek" het verskeie betekenisse. Sommige van die mees algemene definisies is:'n Opening in 'n muur of heining wat mense en voertuie toelaat om 'n spasie binne te gaan of te verlaat.'n Verskuifbare versperring wat kan wees gesluit om 'n opening, soos die ingang na 'n stad of kasteel, te blokkeer.'n Toestel wat gebruik word om die vloei van vloeistof of gas deur 'n pyp of kanaal te beheer.Die ingang of uitgang na 'n vervoerterminaal, soos 'n lughawe of treinstasie.'n Rekenaarskyfie wat dien as 'n inset/afvoer-koppelvlak om toestelle aan 'n rekenaar of netwerk te koppel.Die spesifieke betekenis van "hek" kan afhang van die konteks waarin die woord gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. The other guard finally looked away to follow the others through the gate.
  2. It was only a short run back to the gate and Sintian was past the threshold when they still had a few metres to go.
  3. I pelted for the gate, which was open, but there were people outside.
  4. I walked towards the gate at first, then broke into a run.
  5. I reached the back of Central, where the fence gave way to the back gate, and waited in the shadows, checking my watch.
  6. When I finally park, get through security and make it to my gate, I have minutes to spare.
  7. The gate was locked, but one of the Alliance guys was already unlocking it.
  8. As Ms Weston spoke to them, I spotted Ada just outside the gate.
  9. I lean over to search the airport corridors and two cops are laughing over coffee around Gate Number Four.
  10. If you escape then, we can meet you at the back gate.

TV Series Examples



He rode through the Old Gate