English to afrikaans meaning of

"gary" het nie 'n wyd erkende woordeboekdefinisie as 'n selfstandige woord in die Engelse taal nie. Dit is moontlik dat "Gary" 'n eienaam is, wat na 'n persoon se naam, 'n plek of 'n entiteit verwys, maar sonder verdere konteks is dit moeilik om die presiese betekenis daarvan te bepaal. As jy meer inligting of konteks oor die woord kan verskaf, kan ek jou dalk verder bystaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. The truth was, in college, Gary had usually been stoned.
  2. She might think he was a stalker or worse, a fuckup and decide to tell Gary Queeg.
  3. The corner office where Gary Queeg was normally bent over his computer monitor or silently staring at him was empty.
  4. Ambassador to China Gary Locke received word only minutes prior.
  5. Thanks To Barbara Peters and Robert Rosenwald, to my writing pals Alan Russell, Gene Riehl, Ron Argo, Lynne Kennedy, Mark Clifton, Dave Knop, Maynard Kartvedt, Barbara Hopfinger, Barbara Gardner, and especially to Gary Phillips for help finding my way around old Los Angeles to all the novelists who made me want to be one to Jackie Miller of the Foursquare Heritage Center and to the writers of history, including Kevin Starr, J.