English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "garnisoen" is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n militêre pos of versterkte basis waar troepe gestasioneer is vir verdedigingsdoeleindes. As 'n werkwoord beteken dit om troepe aan 'n garnisoen toe te wys of om van 'n garnisoen te voorsien vir beskerming. Dit kan ook verwys na die troepe self wat by 'n garnisoen gestasioneer is. Die woord kan in beide 'n militêre en 'n burgerlike konteks gebruik word, soos 'n polisiegarnisoen of 'n tronkgarnisoen.


  1. fort

Sentence Examples

  1. Fort Kearney station, where there was a garrison, was only two miles distant but, that once passed, the Sioux would be masters of the train between Fort Kearney and the station beyond.
  2. There remained at the presidio no more than half a dozen soldiers, for the greater part of the garrison had gone with Sergeant Gonzales, and of these half-dozen four were on the sick list and two were necessary as guards.
  3. In a socket at the side of the front door a torch was burning, and the only able-bodied man left in the garrison was pacing back and forth before the doorway, a pistol in his belt and a blade at his side.
  4. While I told Abigail about William Garrison, she sat without moving, her pen held against her lips.
  5. If there had been no bolt, it would have been impossible for him to pass through the midst of the garrison who held the catacombs of St.
  6. It was his dispatcher with a message that Garrison was out of surgery and could be interviewed shortly, and that Bruno had been taken to a nearby veterinary hospital and was expected to recover.
  7. An invasion along the long, vulnerable border with Canada was always likely, which meant that Britain would have to increase her minuscule garrison there, thus weakening her defences at home or in India.
  8. On one visit, Mac told us Harry Garrison had been released from University Hospital into the custody of the Hamilton County sheriff, and since he was considered a flight risk, was denied bail.
  9. We were to garrison one of the advance forts northwest of the Red Hills, in preparation for a raid force coming out shortly after us.
  10. The Blue Ash cop suggested Garrison might be an ex-boyfriend.