English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "granaat" het twee hoofbetekenisse:'n Groep harde, blink minerale wat tipies rooi is, maar ook groen, geel, oranje, bruin kan wees, of pers. Hierdie minerale word dikwels as edelstene of skuurmiddels gebruik. Die naam "granaat" kom van die Latynse woord "granatus," wat "korrel" of "saad" beteken, want die kristalle van hierdie minerale lyk dikwels soos klein sade of korrels.'n Diep, ryk rooi kleur wat soortgelyk is aan die kleur van sommige soorte granaatminerale. Hierdie kleur word dikwels gebruik om dinge soos materiaal, verf of ander materiale te beskryf.

Sentence Examples

  1. And Garnet said she knew of a wonderful little hot spring in town that we can bathe in tomorrow evening.
  2. Garnet had bought seats to an open air stage that had several casters display a spectacle of sharp light and precise sound.
  3. My favorite part was when Garnet paid for us to try an assortment of lavish dishes at a city square full of food carts and stalls.
  4. The brilliant citrine and garnet crystals at its tip glowed in the candle light.
  5. Behind him was a spear-wielding Isabella standing next to an unmasked Garnet, who held a golden, curved, short sword as her weapon.
  6. I told her in my succinct way what happened, including letting her in on who Garnet really was.
  7. As the knight hastened back to Garnet and the insensible man she was tending to, Braden ambled up to me.
  8. Garnet and her sister still wore their masks, and they brought some for us.