English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "gaap" is om met 'n oop mond te staar, soos in verwondering of verbasing, of om wawyd oop te wees, soos in 'n gaping of 'n gat. Dit kan ook beteken om die mond wyd oop te maak, soos om te gaap of te snak. Boonop kan "gaping" verwys na 'n groot opening of 'n wye gaping, veral in 'n muur of 'n rotsformasie.

Sentence Examples

  1. The wings straightened and extended, and the drooping head rose, with the beak opening in a wide gape as if about to strike.
  2. She laughed as I continued to gape at her, and I felt her power tickle me.
  3. He lent him to Pierres, who was a friend of his, and who made long journeys with him, and, as has been said, carried off the fair Magalona, bearing her through the air on its haunches and making all who beheld them from the earth gape with astonishment and he never lent him save to those whom he loved or those who paid him well and since the great Pierres we know of no one having mounted him until now.
  4. More and more residents spilled from the shabby apartment complexes, storefronts, and houses to gape in wonder at this most curious spectacle.
  5. These, I sustain are not mere pamphlets suspended from stalls for the ignorant and gullible to gape at, nor almanacs or astrological compendia of the spurious kind, but serious, scholarly collections of testimonies various and unexplainable.
  6. The owner opened his hand to gape at the almond-sized ruby in astonishment.
  7. As Arthur and Lance galloped furiously out of the neighborhood into the heavy traffic along First Street, astonished drivers actually stopped talking or texting on their cell phones to pause and gape in wonder.
  8. Soldiers dropped swords, lowered drinks, and stilled their tongues, all for a chance to gape at the Alfar.