English to afrikaans meaning of

"galery" kan verskeie betekenisse hê, insluitend:'n Kamer of gebou wat gebruik word om kunswerke te vertoon of te verkoop.'n Lang, smal vertrek met 'n verhoogde platform of reling aan een of meer kante, wat gebruik word vir mense om na 'n optrede of gebeurtenis te kyk.'n Groep of versameling mense of dinge, veral een wat indrukwekkend of aantreklik is. 'n Bedekte area langs die kant van 'n gebou, dikwels oop na die buitelug en ondersteun deur kolomme of boë.Die betekenis van "galery" kan afhang van die konteks waarin dit word gebruik, maar dit is van die mees algemene definisies van die woord.

Sentence Examples

  1. Catherine crawled the length of the gallery and peered down the narrow stairs that led to the hall below there was no one in sight.
  2. On the way back to the store, I stopped off to see Kitt Scanlon and check out what was showing in her gallery.
  3. That babe from the new gallery stopped by at closing time on Wednesday.
  4. It was a controversial request, the house less a gallery and more a stately home.
  5. I remembered the first time I met Celestino, climbing down the stairs to the subterranean art gallery in a little plaza in Haría, admiring the artworks on display, thinking I might buy something small, approaching the man standing by a small desk with my inquiry to find he was the artist.
  6. In the corner of the hall was the narrow wooden door leading to the rooms above and to the wooden gallery that overlooked the hall.
  7. Behind him, I spot Fernando on the far side of the main gallery.
  8. The gallery stairs led to a corridor at the back of the hall, taking you either to the kitchens or out to the courtyard she took the kitchen route.
  9. When he chose to take a walk it was with a regular step in the entrance hall with its mosaic flooring, or in the circular gallery with its dome supported by twenty red porphyry Ionic columns, and illumined by blue painted windows.
  10. Five minutes pass before he returns, even more breathless, to tell me that yes, a man by that name has started at the gallery.