English to afrikaans meaning of

Die naam "Gabriël" is van Hebreeuse oorsprong en beteken "God is my krag". In godsdienstige konteks is Gabriël ook die naam van 'n aartsengel in Abrahamitiese godsdienste, wat bekend staan as 'n boodskapper van God.

Sentence Examples

  1. Senor Zorro, however, was before them, and took the trail toward San Gabriel at a furious gallop, while the troopers dashed along behind, calling to one another, and now and then discharging a pistol with a great waste of powder and ball and no result so far as capturing or wounding the highwayman was concerned.
  2. He, too, mounted and rode away toward San Gabriel, and two native servants rode mules and followed a short distance behind.
  3. I am at Reina de Los Angeles, and he takes a fat purse at San Luis Reydine at San Gabriel, let us say, and he robs at San Diego de Alcala!
  4. The governor had threatened to take it for the state, but so far had not done so, the Franciscans of San Gabriel having a name for protecting their property with determination.
  5. Don Diego spent the greater part of an hour looking through the window at the plaza, watching men and women come and go, observing the toiling natives, and now and then glancing up the trail that ran toward the San Gabriel road.
  6. Gonzales knew the trail they were following led to this hacienda, and that just beyond it there was another trail that split, one part going to San Gabriel and the other returning to Reina de Los Angeles by a longer route.
  7. Three miles away, on the crest of a small hill, there was a hacienda that had been presented to the mission of San Gabriel by a caballero who had died without leaving heirs.
  8. If Senor Zorro passed the hacienda, it stood to reason that he would take the trail that ran toward the pueblo, since, had he wished to go to San Gabriel, he would have continued along the highway in the first place, instead of turning and riding back through the troopers at some risk to himself.
  9. Green Becoming by Michelle Obama Shot in the Heart by Mykal Gilmore Native Son by Richard Wright Ghost Swamp Blues by Laraine Herring Wordy Shipmates by Sarah Vowell Paradise by Toni Morrison The Warmth Of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson The Black Book by Robert Mapplethorpe The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates Butterfly Girl by Rene Denfeld Piece by Piece by Millie Jordan Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Leaving Church by Barbara Brown Taylor Baltimore Blues by Laura Lippman Still Life by Louise Penny The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo The Long Quiche Goodbye by Avery Aames Riding Shotgun by Rita Mae Brown I recommend these books highly.
  10. Even Gabriel, despite not hearing from him for over seven years.