English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "verstrek" is om meubels, toebehore of ander nodige items vir gebruik of bedryf te voorsien of toe te rus; om aan iemand of iets te verskaf of (iets) te gee. Dit kan ook beteken om iets beskikbaar te stel, om inligting aan te bied of te verskaf, of om bewyse te verskaf of aan te bied om 'n eis of argument te ondersteun.

Sentence Examples

  1. For all that, however, he determined to take him, intending to furnish him with a more honourable mount when a chance of it presented itself, by appropriating the horse of the first discourteous knight he encountered.
  2. Vast forests of palms, arecs, bamboo, teakwood, of the gigantic mimosa, and tree-like ferns covered the foreground, while behind, the graceful outlines of the mountains were traced against the sky and along the coasts swarmed by thousands the precious swallows whose nests furnish a luxurious dish to the tables of the Celestial Empire.
  3. Don Diego and his son commended his laudable resolution, and bade him furnish himself with all he wanted from their house and belongings, as they would most gladly be of service to him which, indeed, his personal worth and his honourable profession made incumbent upon them.
  4. Most commonly my dwelling is the hollow of a cork tree large enough to shelter this miserable body the herdsmen and goatherds who frequent these mountains, moved by compassion, furnish me with food, leaving it by the wayside or on the rocks, where they think I may perhaps pass and find it and so, even though I may be then out of my senses, the wants of nature teach me what is required to sustain me, and make me crave it and eager to take it.
  5. The two gentlemen and some others were so generous and kind as to furnish me with provisions, and see me on board.
  6. Therefore the room where company meet who practice this art, is full of all things, ready at hand, requisite to furnish matter for this kind of artificial converse.
  7. Nothing of the kind they only invent them for the most part to furnish a subject for their verses, and that they may pass for lovers, or for men valiant enough to be so and so it suffices me to think and believe that the good Aldonza Lorenzo is fair and virtuous and as to her pedigree it is very little matter, for no one will examine into it for the purpose of conferring any order upon her, and I, for my part, reckon her the most exalted princess in the world.
  8. Last night, before this terrible misfortune in which we are plunged befell us, I saw thee in thy everyday and indoor garments and now, without having had time to attire thyself, and without my bringing thee any joyful tidings to furnish an occasion for adorning and bedecking thyself, I see thee arrayed in the finest attire it would be in my power to give thee when fortune was most kind to us.
  9. I enlarged upon many other topics which the natural desire of endless life and sublunary happiness could easily furnish me with.
  10. He finished his drink, too quickly, yet as he rose, the rush he felt seemed to furnish him some much-needed courage.