English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "rypgebit" is die toestand van besering of skade aan die vel en ander weefsels wat veroorsaak word deur vries of langdurige blootstelling aan koue temperature. Hierdie term word algemeen gebruik om 'n fisiese besering te beskryf wat veroorsaak word deur blootstelling aan uiters koue temperature, wat kan lei tot gevoelloosheid, verkleuring en weefselskade.

Sentence Examples

  1. The scarred skin underneath felt chapped and frostbitten even here, in the balmy Hawaiian winter, when the metal should have been hot enough to burn.
  2. It has a sweetish taste, much like that of a frostbitten potato, and I found it better boiled than roasted.
  3. Dédée arrived in Bilbao, Spain with frostbitten fingers and chapped lips.
  4. Unfortunately that technology now made them lazier than the frostbitten Sereyans or the water-washed Acquavans.