English to afrikaans meaning of

'n Vrieskas is 'n selfstandige naamwoord wat verwys na 'n toestel of kompartement wat gebruik word om voedsel, drank en ander bederfbare items teen 'n lae temperatuur te vries en te bewaar. `N Vrieskas handhaaf gewoonlik `n temperatuur onder 0 grade Celsius of 32 grade Fahrenheit, wat bakteriese groei inhibeer en help om kos vir langer tydperke vars te hou. Vrieskaste kan selfstandige toestelle wees, of hulle kan in 'n groter yskas-eenheid geïntegreer word.


  1. deep freezer
  2. deep-freeze
  3. deepfreeze

Sentence Examples

  1. Lance dropped his bag to the floor of the freezer and ventured back to the kitchen prep area.
  2. On his way back to the freezer, Lance grabbed another loaf of bread, a butter knife, and several small packets of jelly.
  3. He supposed the owners turned the freezer off to save on their electric bill, in case this whole end-of-the-world thing blew over.
  4. He found the light switch on the outside of the freezer and flipped it up.
  5. She then pulled out a freezer bag with a head in it.
  6. A vent in the top of the freezer had a diameter of only four or five inches, not enough for anything to climb through.
  7. With effort, I ignored all the fixings inside that might have contributed to a lovely and well-deserved late morning toddy and, instead, grabbed a handful of ice from the freezer box.
  8. She rose and moving across to the fridge, pulled frozen peas from the freezer.
  9. He loaded his arms with them and went back to the freezer, laying them on the floor to soften the surface.
  10. I walked on my tip-toes to get a better visual advantage of the aisles and spotted a couple night crew workers throwing freight in the freezer section.