English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vry" is:byvoeglike naamwoordnie onder beheer of in die mag van 'n ander nie; kan optree of gedoen word soos 'n mens wil.nie of nie meer ingeperk of gevange gehou nie.nie onderworpe aan of geraak word deur ('n bepaalde ding, tipies 'n onwelkome een).gegewe of gratis beskikbaar; niks kos nie.bywoordsonder koste of betaling.met die wind agter die rug.werkwoordvrylating uit gevangenskap, opsluiting of slawerny.laat toe of stel dit in staat om te ontsnap uit of vermy ('n moeilike of onwelkome situasie).verwyder of maak daarvan los.maak beskikbaar of onbeperk.


  1. absolve

Sentence Examples

  1. Before he could cast more magic, Evan felt himself free to move again as a voice rang out.
  2. Filled with panic, he ripped Ruaden free from his belt.
  3. But Aric had already yanked me free of Alliance Guy.
  4. Two guards carried me downstairs, ignoring my feeble attempts to break free.
  5. He ran his free hand over his rapidly bruising face.
  6. If they finished early, they were free to leave but had to turn in their overviews of an upcoming term paper due in two weeks, or they could stick around to write it during the remaining lecture time.
  7. I moved fast, tearing free of my coat, and sprinted for my life.
  8. This time, the blast shook one of my hands free, and the split-second advantage was enough for me to touch the communicator.
  9. This time when he leapt back to his feet it was his free arm he flung out.
  10. Coach Oliver would be free to leave the precinct later that evening.

TV Series Examples



Sell them. You can return to the free cities



Huh. Can you free me from this pit?



Did we free my father?



Did we free the North from those



Robb will free Father