English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "geraffel" is:(van lap of ander materiaal) wat aan die rand weggedra of ontrafel is, tipies deur konstante vryf of wrywing.(van 'n persoon se senuwees of humeur) wat die uitwerking van spanning toon.Voorbeeldsinne:Die soom van my hemp is gerafeld van jare se gebruik .Sy het uitgerafel gevoel ná 'n lang dag by die werk.

Sentence Examples

  1. Nevertheless, she carefully plaited her hair and dressed as well as she could, considering the frayed clothing that she had to choose from, and slowly made her way to the Manor.
  2. I saw something like them in Hampton Court, but there they were worn and frayed and moth-eaten.
  3. A lace edge, frayed away, hung over the wrinkled, dirty forehead in a curtain of straggling threads.
  4. The mass of them parted as Robert and I entered, creating a living corridor that led to a dais carpeted in frayed and faded red.
  5. His wings stood tall and proud behind him, inky and sparkling with edges that appeared frayed.
  6. Anyone casting a glance towards him would see the brown leather jerkin, its stitching slightly frayed at one shoulder, the elbows and front smoothed and darkened with the dirt of wear.
  7. Nobody knew what caused the tremors the prevailing thought was that the ley-lines that bound the Fairy-Rings to The Towers were slowly being torn apart, like a frayed piece of string being pulled by some unknown force, and that one day the Rings would stop working altogether.
  8. There was an old desk pressed against the wall, resting on frayed orange carpet.
  9. The wine-colored leather had darkened with age, the edges of it stained and frayed from much contact with fingers.
  10. He returned to HQ and his office, and found Capstick busy analysing a leather-bound book with its spine irreparably frayed.