English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woord "raam" het veelvuldige woordeboekbetekenisse, waarvan sommige insluit:'n Rigiede struktuur wat iets ondersteun of omsluit, soos 'n prent of 'n venster.Die struktuur van 'n persoon se liggaam, insluitend die bene en spiere.Om iets te konstrueer of omlyn, dikwels met die doel om dit struktuur of orde te gee.Om iemand valslik te inkrimineer deur dit te laat lyk asof hulle 'n misdaad gepleeg het wat hulle nie gedoen het nie.'n Bepaalde tydperk wat deur sekere kenmerke of gebeurtenisse geïdentifiseer word.Hierdie is net 'n paar voorbeelde van die baie verskillende betekenisse van die woord "raam" afhangende van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word.

Sentence Examples

  1. His customers always thought of him as half a man, so short and spare of frame he was almost a dwarf, and yet he lacked the ill-proportioned limbs of that breed.
  2. She clung to the window frame while her pulse hammered against her collarbone.
  3. She lingered as long as she dared and then leapt lightly down to her bed frame and set about getting herself cleaned up and dressed.
  4. He appears like a model in a photo shoot, steam escaping to his back to frame his toned body sculptured from working years in construction and always tanned.
  5. Satisfied that the knot was secure, she looped the line around several of her fingers, the ornament dangling, and climbed on top of her bed frame, balancing on one foot on the narrow edge of her carved headboard.
  6. Judging his height from her vantage was difficult, but when he went through the door she could see his head passed beneath its frame with just a few inches to spare, which told her he was rather tall.
  7. I followed, and as I rounded the corner, I saw him pressing his nose against the door where it met the frame, willing it to open.
  8. His once athletic frame had sagged and the sharp and agile mind he had taken such pride in had begun to desert him.
  9. She had taken extra care to provide some subtle insulation, filling any gaps and cracks she found and ensuring that her door fit snugly into its frame.
  10. Instinctively, both TB and I gazed toward where our house was located, squinting to see the two-story frame of a home still standing.