English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "voormalige" is "verwys na die eerste van twee dinge of mense wat genoem word (die tweede word geïdentifiseer deur "laasgenoemde")," of "wat voorheen 'n spesifieke ding was; vorige." Dit kan ook beteken "om voorheen in 'n bepaalde rol of toestand te was."

Sentence Examples

  1. The thought of forgiving his former friend, finding acceptance in his heart, reaching out for his friendship once more, are all overshadowed by the humiliation he still clings to.
  2. His head shaved in classic jarhead fashion, Brower was one of those former Marines who never got over it.
  3. It was a few months ago, and the local newspapers were filled with coverage of La Mareta, the first articles detailing how generous King Felipe VI was in gifting the former royal residence to the island, journalists singing the praises of all the dignitaries concerned.
  4. I shook the troubling thoughts from my head, confident my former best friend was not a double killer.
  5. I felt awful holding that information from him, but knowing his current or former girlfriend might be the person who killed Abby and Lorraine seemed far worse.
  6. Then I struggled with my former mother-in-law to defend my position on why Emma needed to be with me until I finished my temporary teaching assignment.
  7. A British civil servant went broke when barely into the renovations of a former gofio mill and was finding the building impossible to sell.
  8. Professional jealousy, I only have to think of a former work colleague to know how deep that goes, how it gnaws away at all that is good in a person.
  9. There are many spirits refusing to check out of the Monteleone, including former employees, jilted lovers and children.
  10. My former master told me this boy was of great importance.

TV Series Examples



The former Hand did call on me,