English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "formeel" is:Na aanleiding of nakoming van gevestigde vorm, seremonie of etiket; konvensioneel of tradisioneel.Gedoen in ooreenstemming met reëls of prosedures, dikwels met die klem op ooreenstemming of protokol.Amptelik, georganiseer of erken as wetlik bindend.wat verband hou met of die struktuur of rangskikking van iets behels, soos die formele aspekte van 'n kunswerk.Om 'n ernstige of plegtige toon, houding of voorkoms te hê. Behoort tot of kenmerkend van 'n bepaalde vorm, soos 'n formele drag of 'n formele taal.Voorbeelde van die woord "formeel" in gebruik: Die kleredrag vir die troue is formele drag.Die maatskappy het 'n formele beleid oor werkplek-teistering.Die regter het 'n formele verhoor in die hofsaal voorgesit.Die kunstenaar het baie aandag gegee aan die formele elemente van komposisie in sy skildery.Die diplomaat se formele taal het 'n gevoel van swaartekrag en belangrikheid oorgedra.Die plantkundige het die plant uitgeken aan sy formele wetenskaplike naam.


  1. evening gown
  2. dinner dress
  3. dinner gown

Sentence Examples

  1. With the formalities over, Tarkyn withdrew to change into more formal attire a deep blue surcoat embroidered with gold thread over a white shirt tucked into black leggings.
  2. Stripping off his formal uniform, Kila pulled on a loose tunic and a comfortable pair of breeches.
  3. He had short, dark hair and wore slightly less ostentatious formal wear.
  4. On the other side of the roundabout the Cabildo sits grandly in its own formal grounds.
  5. A formal garden of raked picón, decorated with a smattering of smooth basalt stones and a few boulders, and containing nothing save a row of sedges at the edges, greets visitors on their way to the museum entrance.
  6. I make it back to the Cabildo on time, noting with some cynicism that no expense has been spared by the Lanzarote government to create a sense of civic status the concourse, a vast expanse of pale stone paving interspersed with formal plantings, has even been edged with a patterned paved footpath.
  7. During the day the space buzzed with officers chattering about cases, citizens stopping in to lodge formal complaints, and the occasional ruckus caused by criminals.
  8. Both men stood as they entered, looking polished in formal suits.
  9. The last time I checked, the Board of Trustees was meeting with the new president to determine whether there would be any formal action taken against Coach Oliver for his role in hiding information and misleading Braxton during discussions with the Major League Baseball scout.
  10. It quickly became apparent that some skill in social engineering, diplomacy as well as formal training in core subjects, is necessary to succeed in this appointment.