English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van "beboste" is 'n byvoeglike naamwoord wat 'n gebied wat met bome bedek is of 'n digte woud beskryf. Dit verwys na 'n plek waar bome naby mekaar groei, wat 'n digte blaredak skep wat die grond onder skadu. Die term "beboste" impliseer dat die land met bome bedek is of dat daar aansienlike dele van bome is, wat gewoonlik 'n natuurlike woud of bosveld aandui.

Sentence Examples

  1. Such a prospect frightened me the most, as it frightened all who lived in these wonderfully rugged and forested peaks.
  2. I told him the few details I could remember about her dream, and he added them into his story, saying that Susan had mentioned she especially wanted to climb a hillside that overlooked a beautiful forested plain below.
  3. After a few minutes, we emerged into a forested area.
  4. Her wide-eyed zeal had become anxious jitters as she looked from the horizon, to the waters, to the forested land.
  5. Ursala sat by me as they slowly made their way across the steep forested hills that cover the base of the High Country for miles on end.
  6. The edges of the property bordered a forested area with a seasonal creek running through it.
  7. For several days, we rode above the empty forested valleys of the High Kanris in solitude.
  8. They were just passing out the back of one of the tents and into a small forested area.
  9. Along our drive through a densely forested region, we stopped to observe a tortoise crossing the road.
  10. Now, they were passing heavily forested woodlots with no traffic or any buildings in sight.