English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "kragtig" is om iets met krag, krag of krag te doen, dikwels deur fisiese of geestelike inspanning te gebruik. Dit kan ook 'n handeling impliseer wat met groot nadruk of oortuiging gedoen word.

Sentence Examples

  1. He sat down forcefully on the cold ground, lay back, put his hands behind his head and pulled his legs up.
  2. Paranoia crept into his consciousness like an unwelcome house guest, forcefully and with no invite.
  3. She smacked the table just as forcefully and pointed at him accusingly.
  4. He hit the floor again forcefully, the wind being blasted from his lungs.
  5. Eli came awake then, extracting himself forcefully from sleep, darkness retreating before the burning light of day.
  6. In a lake of reeds, he saw the pike hungrily hunting for its dinner propelling themselves away from it, in fear, wiggling and sparkling, the young fish jumped in droves out of the water the scent of strength and passion came forcefully out of the hasty eddies of the water, which the pike stirred up, impetuously hunting.
  7. The predominant story was that the president had become enraged with the lawless killings and had forcefully ordered his security forces to fix the problem.
  8. Suddenly, he whipped around with his finger still upon his lips, grabbed my arm forcefully, and pulled me the other way.
  9. Dillon and Jordan were thrown forcefully to the floor.
  10. She eyed a still seething Seth, who had just so forcefully underscored her sense of vulnerability.