English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "skoeisel" is enige buitebedekking of kledingstuk wat op die voete gedra word, soos skoene, stewels, sandale of pantoffels. Dit is 'n algemene term wat gebruik word om te verwys na enige tipe skoene wat gedra word om die voete te beskerm of te bedek terwyl jy loop, hardloop of ander fisieke aktiwiteite beoefen.


  1. footgear

Sentence Examples

  1. Our first order of business was securing footwear for Robert, being that his leather boots had already gotten him a few interested glances.
  2. Kate hesitated in the hall and glanced meaningfully at the row of footwear.
  3. The previous day had begun with a slow start in Sol Polis as they waited for shops to open so they could purchase new footwear and supplies required for their journey.
  4. It only took a couple minutes before he took a page from my book and pulled off his own footwear, taking them in hand alongside mine that he had picked up.
  5. Hardly the most appropriate footwear for an adventure in a foreign land.
  6. She hurried through the door, removing her wet footwear and leaving it on the porch.
  7. This was my spiffiest meet-a-client outfit, straight from Target and Famous Footwear.
  8. The widow ordered him to take off his boots because she allowed nobody to wear outdoor footwear in her house.
  9. As we headed toward the show section I assumed that finding Robert some modern footwear would be a simple task.
  10. I stood and turned, and saw a now-clothed Robert staring at the footwear.