English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vlot" is om 'n taal maklik en glad te kan praat of skryf, sonder huiwering of moeite. Dit impliseer 'n hoë vlak van vaardigheid in 'n taal, wat aandui dat die spreker of skrywer in staat is om hulself effektief en met gemak uit te druk.

Sentence Examples

  1. I had half an idea at first to be a German tourist, for my father had had German partners, and I had been brought up to speak the tongue pretty fluently, not to mention having put in three years prospecting for copper in German Damaraland.
  2. Her congratulations were warm and open but Emma could not speak so fluently.
  3. It had taken another customer, who spoke both languages fluently, to calm the man down and stop him from raising the alarm.
  4. The spell rolled off her tongue quietly and far more fluently than before.
  5. The admiral was a stocky, fluently sculptured man with a cleft chin and statuesque figure set off by ruthless blue eyes.
  6. Mercédès was much changed within the last few days not that even in her days of fortune she had ever dressed with the magnificent display which makes us no longer able to recognize a woman when she appears in a plain and simple attire nor indeed, had she fallen into that state of depression where it is impossible to conceal the garb of misery no, the change in Mercédès was that her eye no longer sparkled, her lips no longer smiled, and there was now a hesitation in uttering the words which formerly sprang so fluently from her ready wit.