English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "blomagtig" is:byvoeglike naamwoord:vol blomme; bedek met of versier met blomme.soos 'n blom in geur, kleur of vorm.gebruik oormatig versierde of hoogdrawende taal; oordrewe uitgewerkte of versierde in styl of wyse.Byvoorbeeld:Sy het 'n blomrok na die partytjie gedra.Die seep het 'n blommerige geur gehad.Sy toespraak was gevul met blomagtige taal wat dit moeilik gemaak het om sy punt te verstaan.

Sentence Examples

  1. He held her close, feeling the smoothness of her skin and smelling her sweet flowery scent, as the shivering quieted and she began to rest easier.
  2. In his first attempts at preaching, Cody had used colorful, flowery language, trying to impress the congregation with his knowledge.
  3. She wore a flowery dress and sat hunched over her cup of coffee, staring into its murky contents.
  4. It was the smell of excrement, urine, and death, hanging in the air more strongly than the flowery aromas outside.
  5. Above each door, one would find the flowery script of Vik inscriptions.
  6. She wore a flowery blouse and a matching pair of flowing slacks today.
  7. The smell of black coffee and her flowery perfume was a little sickening.
  8. Two flowery wingback chairs with matching footstools were arranged with a small round end table next to each.
  9. Until that moment I had not thought myself too carried away but then I am numb from years of listening to your flowery tongue.
  10. I burst into the warm, flowery air and stumbled as I hit the grass.