English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vloei" kan verskil na gelang van die konteks waarin dit gebruik word. Hier is 'n paar algemene definisies:(werkwoord) Om glad en aanhoudend in 'n sekere rigting te beweeg of te hardloop, soos 'n rivier of 'n stroom. Voorbeeld: Die water het saggies stroomaf gevloei.(selfstandige naamwoord) Die handeling of proses van vloei, wat gewoonlik verwys na die beweging van 'n vloeistof, gas of elektrisiteit. Voorbeeld: Die verkeersvloei op die snelweg was swaar.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Deurlopende en bestendige stroom van iets, soos woorde of idees. Voorbeeld: Die skrywer se skryfwerk het 'n natuurlike vloei gehad wat dit maklik gemaak het om te lees.(werkwoord) Om volop of volop te wees, of om in groot hoeveelhede te kom. Voorbeeld: Geld het van beleggers in die maatskappy ingestroom.(selfstandige naamwoord) 'n Geestelike toestand van ten volle onderdompel en gefokus in 'n aktiwiteit, ook bekend as "in die sone". " Voorbeeld: Die atleet het tydens die wedstryd gevoel of sy in 'n vloeitoestand was.

Sentence Examples

  1. Brooke was oblivious to everything as she moved with the flow of the crowd.
  2. I pulled on the magic, let it flow into my hand and released it.
  3. Some described the flow of information as a trickle while others experienced a flood.
  4. Cursing, I let the magic flow to my fingertips and the response vibrated in my bones.
  5. A gap in the flow and I head up the road to HarĂ­a, returning to my preoccupation with Fernando.
  6. It was his father who had shown him how the deshya could help him focus, how physical exertion could clear his mind, opening the door for his thoughts to flow freely.
  7. It must have an access port, a place for water to flow in.
  8. Slowly, she repaired the damage and stopped the blood flow.
  9. Outside the Citadel the Veneseron Masters were in full flow, eradicating the monsters as they moved on to protect the whole Fortress.
  10. When Gettelung led her through two normal doors she was amazed that they were suddenly outside, standing on the edge of a rushing waterfall and long snaking stream, which the Mistress of water controlled, making the current flow the wrong way.