English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekdefinisie van die woord "vloer" is:Die onderste oppervlak van 'n vertrek, waarop mense loop; die deel van 'n vertrek wat gelyk is met die grond buite.'n Gelyk area of spasie, veral die onderste oppervlak van 'n vertrek of voertuig.Die grond op 'n bepaalde vlak. 'n Minimum limiet van pryse, lone of betalings.'n Verdieping van 'n gebou.As 'n werkwoord kan "vloer" beteken:Om 'n vloer met materiaal, soos mat of teëls te bedek.Om af te slaan of op die grond te laat val. Om met 'n sterk emosie te verstom of te oorwin.

Sentence Examples

  1. The way the body laid on the floor all tangled up was the most horrid part.
  2. On the first floor were four large classrooms, each capable of seating at least thirty students, two single bathrooms, and a small supply closet.
  3. A fire damaged the first floor in the late 1960s during a Vietnam War protest that had gone off the deep end.
  4. As the department head, Abby had occupied one of the bigger offices on the floor.
  5. Based on what Lorraine had told me on the walk over, my father recently commandeered the third floor during the renovations on his office.
  6. I texted back a confirmation and caught sight of my father approaching from the dance floor.
  7. I climbed the stairs, assuming someone might stop me but making it all the way to the second floor with no interruption.
  8. While there was no staircase accessing the third floor from the back side of the building, a narrow one in the front led to a cozy library and common area for students working on a group project or a professor holding a special lecture session.
  9. Since the top floor was only large enough for his furniture, given the peaks of the slanted roof and the built-in library shelves, Lorraine sat in a central open section on the second floor between the two staircases.

TV Series Examples



He's lying on the floor of some tavern,