English to afrikaans meaning of

As 'n werkwoord kan "flik" beteken om 'n skielike, vinnige beweging te maak of om iets te laat beweeg met 'n skielike, vinnige beweging. As 'n selfstandige naamwoord kan "flick" verwys na 'n ligte, vinnige slag of beweging, of na 'n fliek. Hier is 'n paar voorbeeldsinne wat "flick" in beide kontekste gebruik:Hy het die skakelaar gedruk en die ligte het aangeskakel.Sy het haar hare uit haar gesig geslaan.Die kat het sy stert geslaan en weggeloop.Hy het 'n rekkie na sy kollega geslaan.Ons het gisteraand 'n fliek by die fliekteater gaan kyk. .

Sentence Examples

  1. Not knowing what I expect to find, I open the studio door and flick on the light.
  2. No doubt House Staerleigh paid top dollar for them, he thought, a casual flick of his eyes enough for him to pick up a myriad of tiny details.
  3. Akirandon was powerful enough to burn Velkarath to the ground with the flick of her wrist, to slaughter him and everyone else in this realm without effort.
  4. Hungry for clarity, I flick off the light and close the studio door.
  5. Seeing the turn off for Guatiza up ahead, I flick the indicator.
  6. At the flick of a light I see a new work on the easel.
  7. He was making it obvious, staring at the place he was about to lunge before doing so, meaning she could flick out with her sword and parry.
  8. We were, after all, in love, but the birth of Gloria seemed to flick a switch in him and he reverted back to his old habits.
  9. I managed to rouse myself when the food arrived, the TV playing some old action flick in the background.
  10. I flick on the light and scan the contents of the room.