English to afrikaans meaning of

Die woordeboekbetekenis van die woord "vleis" is die sagte stof wat bestaan uit spiere en vet wat tussen die vel en bene van diere en mense gevind word. Dit kan ook verwys na die fisiese menslike liggaam, of die menslike aspek van iets (teenoor die geestelike of abstrakte aspek). In sommige kontekste kan "vlees" 'n negatiewe konnotasie hê, wat vleeslikheid, wellus of sondige begeertes impliseer.

Sentence Examples

  1. Midnight blood gushed out of the headless form like a fountain as its many folds of flesh melted to the ground.
  2. The sunlight had turned his flesh paper thin, veins shone through, veins as black as midnight.
  3. A second later the giant demon exploded from the inside out, showering the cavern in gobbets of sticky flesh.
  4. At one time his hand grazed her leg while urging her forwards, her hair stood on end and goose bumps erupted on her flesh.
  5. The drop of blood sank back into her palm and the flesh sealed itself, leaving no trace of the scratch at all.
  6. His flesh will be blissful y sumptuous, his blood intoxicatingly wonderful.
  7. Two holes were gouged into the flesh of her neck and she realised Arantay was biting her.
  8. Arantay grimaced as the flesh sloughed off and the monster crumpled.
  9. The cobalt demon blazed into a fierce inferno, and in seconds turned to ash, only the stench of burned flesh giving sign it had ever existed.
  10. His hand moved down to her neck, his fingertips stroking the flesh as he wiped the red drops away.